
Governors at Willowbrook School, Exeter

Our current Governing Body consists of eleven governors. They provide challenge and support to the school at a strategic level.

Our governors are:

  • Mrs J Lake, Co-opted Governor
  • Mr S Race, Co-opted Governor
  • Ms N Allcock, Local Authority Governor (Chair)
  • Mrs S Omand-Durrant, Co-opted Governor
  • Prof R Gibb, Co-opted Governor
  • Mr J Draper, Parent Governor 
  • Dr M McHutchon, Parent Governor
  • Ms M Alford, Parent Governor
  • Miss A Shawyer, Staff Governor
  • Mrs M Marlow, Headteacher
  • Ms A Waylen, Clerk to Governors

All governors are volunteers, drawn from a wide range of backgrounds and are united in supporting children who attend our school.

The chair of governors is Ms Naima Allcock. Of the eleven governors, two are school staff (including the headteacher), four are co-opted governors, three are parent governors and one is appointed by the Local Education Authority.

The governing body works in partnership with the head teacher, Molly Marlow, who is responsible for the day-to-day running of the school.

Their work includes agreeing budgets, policies and objectives, and setting the strategic direction of the school. They review the work of senior staff, including the head teacher, and help to appoint staff. They endeavour to ensure that the children get the best possible provision to ensure their success.

As the power to make decisions and take action belongs to the governing body as a whole no individual governor has the power to make decisions unilaterally.

The full governing body meets twice a term to discuss the running of the school, and important issues affecting teaching, learning, resources and premises, as well as the overall direction of the school. They also take part in committee meetings dealing with learning and finance each half term.

No particular qualifications or experience is required to be a governor and training is provided. The most important qualities for any governor are to be interested in the children and to be prepared to give the time and effort required.

Governors make regular visits to the school and every governor is vetted before appointment. Their meetings are in the evenings and governors are appointed usually for four years.

Everyone is welcome to attend the governors’ meetings as an observer and minutes are available on this site.

For any questions you might have, please contact the Clerk to Governors, Ms A Waylen using the email address

The minutes of the Full Governing Body meetings are available on this site and a copy is put on the noticeboard in the reception area.   Please see the downloads on the Archive of Governor Meeting Minutes page.