Sport Premium

PE and School Sport play a vital role in the life of pupils at Willowbrook School. Through our curricular and extra-curricular provision we are dedicated to ensuring that every young person has the opportunity and confidence to participate, lead and perform in PE and Sport. We firmly believe that engagement in PE and Sport can support the holistic development of young people by giving them the opportunity to develop key skills and attributes including teamwork, fair play and respect for others.

Since September 2013, we have been in receipt of the Governments Sports Premium funding which is helping us to improve and develop upon this key aspect of our work. The information below highlights how we are utilising this funding to improve the quality and quantity of PE and Sport in our school:

  • Provision of outstanding professional development for teaching staff to support their subject knowledge and pedagogy in PE.
  • Deployment of network of high quality coaching staff to support extra-curricular provision for all young people.
  • Training and support for MTAs to support delivery of Active Playtimes.
  • Delivery of a programme of intra-house competitions aimed at building upon our house ethos.
  • A programme of extension activities and events for young people identified as having a talent for sport.
  • A wide variety of sports clubs are run at lunchtimes and after school by teachers, which change on a termly basis.