
Friday 23rd July 2024

Dear Parents and Carers

We are having a great end of term in school! The Year Two and Year Six play were fantastic and the children should be so proud of how they worked together as a team. Thank you to all the parents who attended; we can always rely on a good turnout for you to come and support your children!

The menu for today has changed to chicken nuggets and chips in a bag or veggie nuggets and chips. There are no jacket potatoes. Also, just a reminder that there is no after school club today and school will be finishing at 3:20pm.

We have also had all the results in for our statutory data, so I thought I might share some of the results with you.

Year 6

In year 6 the children sit SATs tests and the scripts are sent away for external marking.


Expected level

Willowbrook 2024

Expected level Nationally 2023

Higher level (GDS)

Willowbrook 2024

Higher level (GDS)


















All three combined





We are thrilled that our combined results are above other schools Nationally and that we are getting more children to the higher levels than the National picture. Well done to all the children and the staff who have taught them for the last seven years!

Year 4 Multiplication Test

This is a test the children take online to check whether they are fluent in their times tables. They have 25 questions and 6 seconds to answer each question!

% scoring 20+

% scoring 22+

% scoring 25




This is truly fantastic! Last year nationally, only 29% of children achieved full marks and we have more than doubled that!

Well done Year 4!

Year 1 Phonics Screening

86% of children passed the phonics screening check in year One; well done!

Last year nationally, 79% of children passed, so we are 7% above the National figure.

Well done children and also a testament to the new phonics scheme we have introduced.

Early Years

In the Early Years, children are assessed by staff across a whole range of areas that they will need to be successful in school, including persona development and social skills.

These assessments then give you what is known as a ‘Good Level of Development’.

At Willowbrook this year, we have 53% of children in Reception that have achieved this.

The national figure for last year was 67% so we are below the national picture. In most areas that are assessed, we compare well with the national picture, but the children’s writing skills are still coming out low and this affects the overall judgement. We will continue to work on this!

Overall, it is a fantastic set of data and children, staff and families should be proud of the progress children are making.

Staff Changes

We are saying goodbye to many familiar faces at the end of this term. Mrs Cuthbertson, our kitchen manager is moving to another position outside school; Miss Sweetland and Mr Dibble are going off to teach elsewhere in Devon; Mrs Davies and Mrs Boden are going to take up posts in other Exeter schools; Mrs Crosswood is going on maternity leave; Miss Adnams is leaving to start her teacher training; Mr Hooper is leaving the Pod.

The office will look very different as both Mrs Horn and Miss Morgan are leaving.

Thank you to all of those staff who have worked so hard for the children. We will miss you and wish you all the best for the future.

Library Books

As we approach the end of the school year, may we ask you to have a really good look for any overdue library books?  Some books have not been returned for a very long time and it makes a huge difference to the children who are then unable to borrow them to read.  Last year we lost over 600 books!  If you absolutely cannot find them you may wish to provide a replacement copy, as several parents have done (Huge thanks to them!) or to give a donation of £5 to £10 towards the cost of replacing them.  Many thanks to those children (and parents!) who make sure that their books are returned on time.

Dinner Money

Please can you make sure that you check any outstanding balances and make sure that any debt is cleared. Thank you.

Scooters and bikes

Please can you make sure you take home all the scooters and bikes that belong to you as any left in the sheds will be removed as they get cleaned over the summer. We have had a few scooters taken home in error recently so please double check that your child is bringing home the right one. We are still missing a black scooter with pink details that has the child’s name on it. If you have taken this home in error please return today.

Classes for next year

Please see below for classes for September.

Current class

Class next year

Miss Pilkington year 1

Mrs Mellors/Mrs Treble year 2

Miss Shawyer Year 1

Mrs Stockton Ball year 2

Mrs Mellors/Mrs Treble year 2

Miss Foweraker year 3

Mrs Boden Year 2

Mr Hunt year 3

Mr Hunt year 3

Miss Ramsdale year 4

Ms Sweetland year 3

Mr Ellis  year 4

Miss Foweraker year 4

Miss Turner year 5

Mr Ellis year 4

Mr Pengelly year 5

Miss Turner year 5

Miss Walker year 6

Miss Walker year 5

Mrs Busby-Grayer and Mrs Roberts



Mrs Elworthy, Mrs Morgan and Miss Stanbury will be teaching Reception

Miss Pilkington and Miss Shawyer will be teaching Year 1

Dates for your calendar

Last day of term – Tuesday 23rd July

First day of term in the new school year Thursday September 5th – school will start at the normal time of 8.50 with classroom doors open from 8.40am